Friday 24 June 2016

Very groggy this morning after trying to type out
 a book of short stories all day yesterday, on the computer.
It's a book of comic horror shorts that I'm working on with a 
Trend towards writing about childhood

I started thinking about the occult in my childhood period when I went to 
A public school. I read a lot of UFO and stone circle and monster 
Books then, which seem to have belonged to that age rather than to be 
generally starting serious investigation into such things.

I think a lot of it became like the weird tales pulp magazines of a couple of decades before
And there was some good material in those as well.
Some do have a value like Keyhoe and Frank Edwards " Strange but true? "
That was three little books, as I recall, 
and you never see copies of that about in second hand bookshops.

And now you have the Fortean Times instead, as a source of material,  and some TV shows,  some useful, a lot trivia. 

The bookshelves include all of this as New Age, which is cataloguing rather than opening up the issue to us, I think.
What I liked most about the 70s paperback books was their covers. 
They felt mystical half of the time. 

Which was the point. I want to see the mystical returned into our thought patterns more than the blood and guts and c*** of today's idioms.
I'm working on a twitter page. 
I have set up a Facebook page, as well, 
but how do you make social media have a mystical flavour?

* I am trying to root out old photos,  and I'll write
then about my experience on the HMS Victory in Portsmouth.

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