Wednesday 22 June 2016


I thought that I'd go to Nepal this morning.
Does the Yeti exist?
Is he Big foot?

There were plenty of his footprints in this restaurant in Kathmandu.
Why is it that after making an interesting suggestion, that maybe the Yeti
was a polar bear hybrid or ancestor of the Himalayas bear, does the scientific establishment have to backtrack again?

Do we have really ancient relatives still alive today, or are we all really descended from polar bears? It could explain why we are so vicious to one another. 
I was fascinated with the idea from an early age, that maybe a memory of old beings persisted in the wilderness areas of the world, and that it was possible to link
in somehow with these latent ideas. 
Of course an undiscovered creature might still be the answer, 
even if Big Foot is usually nothing more than a man dressed up in a monkey suit or unrecognised bear sightings. 

I think that the Migou is alive and well myself, and he probably serves in the House of Commons in Westminster, but who knows?

Could we have them in England too? In the remoter places?

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