Friday 10 June 2016

   i can't find my Whitby drawings, as maybe they're too old to have survived. Most of my college wotk has. There is another portfolio somewhere to root out.
I was thinking of telling you where my interest in alternative worlds began. 
These are all subjective experiences. I haven't found a real doorway 
across a threshold yet, myself, but I had a feeling as a child that they existed.

This probably owes a lot to my child's imagination, 
but the idea has always fascinated me.

It began, i think, with my grandparent's back door. 
I know that sounds weird, maybe i was being overimaginative,  but
These were the days of Star Trek, Dr Who (the real versions)  and Land of the Giants on TV.
They had a double doorway, an inner and an outer door into the garden, with a utility in between. My granddad kept pigeons out back and, to get there, you had to go through this air lock. it just made me think that there could be anything on the other side,
 not only the garden. That was not the only time that I have felt you could cross into
Another dimension.

I wish it were true. I don't much like the one that we're in.
I never did find the other garden, only the ones with the pigeonhouse.

What  I always enjoyed was to walk down a country lane and, at the end, you'd find a different world waiting for you. There was a passage down a tree-lined lane, which ran from the back of the hospital, out into a hidden estate, which I found for the first time, 
And couldn't believe that it really existed. 
It did, of course, but one day maybe I'll find one that doesn't.

There are places, which you find, that are exactly like that, aren't there?

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