Thursday 30 June 2016

The persistence of memory 2

Time is on a continuum. 
I first read JW DUNNE,  when I was a child, 
Because my father had a copy. 
Why he did always puzzled me, because he was an atheist and 
Had no interest in the supernatural at all, 
And I think it more to do with his having read JB Priestley's plays.

Anyway, it made me think of time differently. I think of it as a continuum, which joins with other continuum,  but there  were peoples which believed
that time had all the past present and future rolled into one. 
It makes a lot of sense in some ways. You can't really 
 ever prove that the past happened, as you imagine it, and it isn't here now. 
The present is a fleeting moment, and you can never know it, as
 the moment you have it it's the past. 
Do we claim that the present goes on over a period of time?
That would only mean it was past present and future rolled into one anyway.

The future hasn't yet happened. When it does, it isn't there any longer,
 and you can't hold onto it. 
So you come back to the idea that it's all simultaneous, 
and that our experience is cyclic and continuous.

I wonder if there isn't something in the idea that the past is retained,
Not only as a photographic image,  but as a separate dimension of experience, 
and the future....fate or uncontrolled chance, you come back 
To questions of free will. Do we have any?
But what if will and being are actually that threefold dimension of 
Past present and future?

If it's that anyway, the question of free will surely becomes obsolete.?
Our will is was and will be informed by many things.
It's all of us all of the time, and can be informed by more than what 
We see through our eyes at any given moment.

Maybe we need to have the experience of what's going to happen
 to tell us what to remember?

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