Thursday 2 June 2016

Night Terrors 2

Here is my rendering of my mother's night terror.
To be frank i think that this could so easily be a metaphor for our society.
That's a greater night terror, if not also a day terror.
A complete and utter terror.
The Alma street eye.( copyright@terrywhite 2 .6. 16)
Who is watching us, or you now?
Do we actually live within the Matrix? computers are taking over the world.
I should have expected that as a child, after reading the  Magnus the Robot Fighter stories.
But back to Alma Street Coventry. 
I think it was no 23, but not sure. 
I looked in the archives and through old newspapers, but couldn't find any evidence of the murder that mum said happened there. She was born in 1920s, and moved to the country in her teens. So I assume the "event" to have been late Victorian or Edwardian.

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