Tuesday 14 June 2016


   I wanted to describe my underlying theme, the one which informs my writing. 
Basically it's my life long sadness that everything that seems to me to be good and worthwhile is eroded. I think society continually picks the lesser solution, perhaps -no, for certain, -because it's the cheaper option.  
I experience this as a loss, all of the time, of things, which feel strong and culturally worthwhile, with their inferior cousins. 
In my writing I translate this into a world view, where innocence is threatened, or life as a whole endangered, by spiritual evil.
To me society behaves like a spiritual evil. certainly capitalism and commercialism do.
If I write about a cannibalistic, malignant supernatural force, that's what I'm really writing about.... society.

It doesn't seem to matter what you want, if you like it, it's no longer on the shelves, because  it doesn't sell enough. 
The same goes for ethical standards,  I believe. 

I call this in my work, the Law of Nectholm.
Simply put, it's "abomination exists".

In fact it only exists to feed some greater abomination somewhere. That's the basic principle informing black magic, the dark side of the "as above, so below" principle.
It's a spiritual escalator to chaos. 
It may start with not being able to get bread, which doesn't use rapeseed oil, in its production,
 and it can end with a totally self-serving social organism, which doesn't accept the principle that human beings should survive.
I don't mean so much that the matrix exists, as that we aren't allowed to.

The dark elements of my writing, the horror, if you like, is finding the terror underlying existence in this society almost every single day, not so much supporting you as threatening you. How do you fight back against unbelievable odds?

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