Wednesday 22 June 2016

The Other Place

The Other Place

I wonder you see, in similar vein to Charles Fort, if there
is another world, which represents a depository of missing things, 
especially beings.
In particular, beings which now no longer exist. 

The reason why this idea rests strongly on my mind is that 
ideas themselves never seem to entirely die out. 
There is always a likelihood that a lost idea will be renewed, 
A lost invention reinvented, a philosophical thought resurface in another form. 

Do people also continue in such a place, if they cease to exist,  
and could they be alive over there?
Or do they persist as a cosmic memory?
If the coelacanth can return after being though extinct, 
What else could, or could these animal just be the memories of past lives?
Is that what ghosts are, the lake monsters,  yeti and big foot? 
Is there a storage area for the lost out there somewhere,
 which certain things go to and from, between?

Memory is a strange beast, and as a writer 
I know that if you tear up a story, then you can rewrite it, nothing is really dead. 
Something persists.

The real question is where does it persist, how alive is it there,
And how open are the doorways between that world and this?

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