Tuesday 21 June 2016

demons in dreams

   I was asked by a friend if I was ever given to having demonic dreams?
I said" no."
I write about supernatural beings or events, so it's a fair question. 
"No," ? That isn't quite true.
I had a dream the other night, but before I get there, I'll tell you 
One experience I had at a previous address. 

There was a staircase outside of my bedroom window,which led up 
to the flat above, a fire access, which I didn't have access on to. 
I recall waking, or at least being in bed, and seeing the door light of the flat above
Coming on. It was over to the far right side of the window, but a human silhouette was outlined against the curtains. It was square on to me, and I could see its arms and head,
but no features, of course. It was full on across the window, and 
Like a shadow man. 
The staircase was up the top half of the window, and the door light at the top right. Even if someone had gone up the stairwell to operate the automatic light, 
I was fairly sure, and still am, that to see a full figure silhouetted against my curtains was impossible. 
I am still not sure, as I write this now, whether this image was in a dream or not.

The one the other night was different. 
This was female in form. I was definitely in a dream, trying to get access to a building, and I think I was arguing with someone in a doorway, when a white figure was standing beside me. She had a pasty white face, and long white hair over her shoulders, and a large cloth hat, which was off-white or grey. The really alarming feature were ivory black eyes, like the shells of beetles. Shiny and convex. 
Actually the overwhelming impression was her strangeness. I could feel the presence, in terms of the proximity of a body. I could feel her body warmth. It did not feel as though it meant me any harm.
I woke up, without feeling that I had been in a nightmare. 

I wonder if this was my muse, as a writer of the supernatural?

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