Wednesday 1 February 2017

sussex pagan

Sussex Pagan

Well, Sussex is a pagan place, and i found a website which claims there are 
80% more fairies and a third more ghosts down here
than elsewhere in England.
There are signs of it everywhere... let's look at the stones..
Do you know the Goldstone? 
It's what gave its name to Goldstone Bottom, 
and Goldstone Villas in Hove, the complimentary town to Brighton.
I have a family history connection to that little avenue next to 
Hove Station, so Hove has another attraction for me.
I like Hove Park anyway, especially its summer carnival.

Anyway it was moved to its present site in 1906,
 but it moved around prior to that.
The stones previously stood on open downland.
On one side it's supposed to be possible to see a human face.
I believe stones were meant to be seen as anthropomorphic 
in an artistic way.

It's alleged that when the devil was building Devil's Dyke...
which i'll visit soon... he threw odd stones around, and one 
landed in Goldstone Bottom.
Maybe his face is in the stone because he's still laughing at 
us, and the fun he had at Devil's Dyke?

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