Thursday 16 February 2017


Railway spirits

The search is on for haunted tracks along the Sussex coast.
One that i do know about is Mouslecoomb, near Brighton.
It's a station i never had a reason to get off on,
 always passed through, en route for Lewes or Brighton.
Mouslecoomb has a Hell Hound!!!
The story is about 30 years
a growling snarling spirit has been heard
panting and stalking anyone on the ststion after dark.
Apparently right up against their faces. 
It has never been seen.
This seems to date back to a reference
 in a book by Peter Underwood.
He says thst it was accomoanied by a frightening atmosphere.
Students at the university also wrote to him
 that they had head the arrival of a steam train, but seen nothing.

(Underwood "Where the Ghosrs Walk")

I have no reason to doubt Underwood's credibility, but 
he is just reporting stories which came to his ears, 
as president of the ghost club.
 How far he went in checking the veracity, 
I don't know, and how far can you go anyway.
I have read his accounts of following up on certain reports.
There are tales of spectral dogs all around the country.
(I may update this page as i can check sources...)

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