Saturday 11 February 2017

arundel 2

Arundel 2

For more information on the castle, here's a blogspot, which i found.


The author also mentions the white spirit of a bird fluttering against 
a window. The idea being that this is the spirit 
Seen as a forewarning of a death. 
There are different harbingers, of course, seen traditionally
in ancient families, or heard sometimes, 
like the banshee.
I recall Marvel's Satana stories:
Daughter of the Devil,
 and she coukd draw out the life of a person 
perhaps with a kiss, 
It would fly out as a butterfly.

The author mentions others, and it's worth paying a visit.

The Norfolk Hotel in the High Street, built in 1783 reportedly had paranormal 
Activity in the 1980s, objects being moved, poltergeist activity,
and a  shadowy figure is occasionally seen,
Stripped to the waist, and gazing in through a window...
A ghostly exhibitionist?

Is the presence of a ghost tour in town trying to build up 
the town as one of the most haunted in England, do you think?

Or is it just a strange and atmospheric old place....
More to come.....
The best landmark in Arundel, outside of the castle..
        The Black Rabbit.You ask anyone!

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