Thursday 23 February 2017

heĺingly 2

Hellingly 2

I thought i'd give you a link.
Here there is testimony that paranormal sctivity
continues on the housing estate built on Hellingly ground.

There are also totally different testimonies, which are critical 
of the paranormality, and of any dark history.
The fact is that different people have different experiences,
and some of the patients may in later years have felt it a warmer place,
and the staff incredulous why any such events might happen, 

But you must remember that, although more modern staff could be caring,
people sent to such places were suffering from mental anguish, 
and in the early days of these big asylums, people were sent there
to hide them away, so others didn't have to see or know 
about their illnesses, in the wider community,
and early treatment could be deplorable.
Certainly over the years people, who had not been able to
find a cure, or relief, died there, and some treatments were....
and still are ....extremely questionable.
I am not sure myself, for instance, about ECT,
which is still used. I have seen it used successfully, 
but also with very dire effects.
as is filling people with medicines, many of which
have long term effects  of their own..
Lithium, for example, which shouldn't be used indefinitely,
but i know cases where it was the only functioning drug
for a certain individual person....
 i only mention this because what may be considered fair treatment
to a practitioner may not be by the person taking it,
And who may have been taking it up until their death.

These are places, which almost scream out to have restless spirits.

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