Tuesday 14 February 2017

Arundel 4


In one of my ghost books i also found reference to St Nicholas's church, 
in Arundel. Apparently there is a record of a ghostly priest here,
this one photographic.

I have a healthy disrespect for alleged ghosts on photographs.
The photograph of a ghost in period costume seen at a door in Hampton Court
did not match what was known of period costume,
I believe. The famous Rainham photograph
has been almost certainly proved to have been
 faked by the photographer
And i analysed the one of a monk allegedly 
taken at a banquet in Coventry in an earlier blog,
and i'm certain that is an optical illusion.

This photograph was taken by a solicitor,
Snapping photographs of architectural features.
It was taken in 1940.The church  was empty.
It purports to show a priest in the vestments for taking Mass.
The photographer did not see anything.
There's a story that a priest was killed here by a local squire.
There's also supposed to be a brown lady, who cleans 
as she maybe did in life....
But what do you make of this photograph?
Does this "clearly" show a priest praying?
I reserve judgement, but i'm far from convinced by this one...
However it's a bit cleverer than some i've seen, as it is ambiguous. 
However it looks more like a lens flare to me?

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