Monday 27 February 2017

the Devil's Doors

Just as an afterthought for the Cuckfield Horde,
you do wonder, don't you, why a spirit or a demon might be fooled by
such tricks as these...surely a demon thinks, doesn't it?
At least if they didn't how could they know how to attack you in ways
which cause fearful reactions? And be noted for their deceitfulness?
It's a bit like saying animals don't think, or have feelings, 
because they aren't people.
Well, being Buddhist, i believe that there is a wheel of life on which 
the soul travels, and from life to life you could 
yourself become an animal, or a demon....dependant on how you behaved
in your previous life.

I was reading about another superstitious tradition,
That of the Devil's doors.

The tradition has it that the North door of a church
Is where the devil enters, or leaves, and
A lot of North doors are - consequently? - blocked up.
The idea is that the pagan elements came in through those doors to
Worship, in the pre-Christian days, when the site was pagan.
A lot of churches of course overstood and took over
Previously pagan sites.
I came across a mention of a case, where during a baby's baptism 
the blocked-up door was opened, to allow the Devil to leave...
Did they believe that the baby might grow up to be possessed by a demon?
Bosham church once had a blocked up door, which was not to be opened 
under any circumstances... 
You see how important doorways are in the superstitious mind.

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