Tuesday 28 February 2017

bells underwater

Underwater Bells

It's always fascinated me, where there are tales of villages, 
which have been encroached on by the sea,
along the coast. In these places a common tale is
 that the ghostly sound of bells can be heard ringing out at sea.
I didn't know that Sussex had one. 
There are apparently insrances of this at Bulverhythe 
which is a suburb of Hastings.
Bosham again has a similar tale.
This is often credited with being a forewarning of bad weather.

A legend has it that the Vikings were responsible. 
They took the great tenor bell frim the monsstery,
 and hauled it up onto their longboat
during a raid, and the monks rang out  other bells, 
as the longboat put out to sea,
a result of which was that the bell toppled over in the boat,
and rolled off into the water, 
and all of the Viking marauders went under with it.
The legend also has it that the bell below the water replies 
to any ringing on shore.
Any ship dropping anchor over the Bell Hole, 
where it rests,will have its anchor seized, and that 
they would not be able to retrieve it!
The bell being very magnetic, perhaps?

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