Tuesday 31 January 2017

Michelham Priory.

Michelham Priory

I recall the summer day, when i was living and working in Eastbourne,
that i took a bus ride and a packed lunch to Michelham village.
The Priory is built on a bend in the river Cuckmere, nearby,
and is now an island. It was a priory until Henry VIII came along.
There is still a prior supposed to haunt the gatehouse, and 
a thin, sickly looking female ghost, another  grey lady.
There appears to be a second  ghostly lady inside the house, in Tudor dress. 
It's a house  with old wooden staircases and furniture, and a moat.
It's a very attractive site, and very soothing as an atmosphere,
Although i do recall a television interview with a man, one of the staff
resident there, perhaps, i can't remember exactly,
who claimed to be kept awake at night, by forces,
which seemed to want to drive him out. As i recall his story,
he sat on the stairsand bargained with them, to leave him alone, 
and said he'd not bother them. 
They seemed to agree with the deal.

For more info have a look at:
Or the page at Dark Encounters.

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