Tuesday 21 February 2017


O.k. back to ghosts

I decided that there's no interest out there in anything but ghosts.
Please readers let me know!...
So i'll return to haunted Sussex
Hellingly is amongst those places i visited.
It used to be a big mental health hospital, 
Even apparently had a railway station.
There's a scene in an old British B movie called "Smokescreen,"
Which is good by the way.. look out for it..l
Where the investigator is standing on a cliff road looking 
down over the railway running through the valley,
and there is  a small local station... 
I went to Hellingly out of interest, as i was working not so far away  
in the business.. it closed in 1994.
So a little before my time....
At its prime....

At the end...
There must be a general feeling of ugliness in the air,
as, after all, patients were treated as subhuman 
and subjected to treatment worse than prisoners.
I know the environment of a mental health hospital
could be almost considered outside of the law.
A patient could have their teeth removed so that they couldn't bite!
Or a woman could be raped by another client, and 
this would be just brushed away, in what was a closed community
exempt from outside law,
So it is small wonder that footsteps can be heard in the dark corridors,
Or a feeling of malaise strike at any moment,
Or strange mists begin to form...
Or voices be heard yelling, crying screaming for help in empty wards.

It's gone now, and a housing estate built i believe..
I wonder if the dwellers experience former inmates'
 restless spirits
in their bedrooms?

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