Friday 24 February 2017

child ghosts

Children ghosts

Child ghosts..... after my friend's  story a couple of days ago,
I found this one. Apparently there are ghosts of children
Seen in Montague Street, Worthing, 
Where children are seen in the Thornton's chocolate shop 
 and neighbouring shops, so maybe it isn't only living 
children, who like chocolates...
The attraction of chocolate is too great, and they return 
here for the goodies.....
Two faces are seen peering out of windows, or so the stories go, 
and there are strange noises at night. 
There isn't a lot of information about this, on-line, so i'll do a bit of research.

Of course, faces in windows have always been common sightings.
We often try subconsciously to turn a shape into a human 
form, especially a face, if we can.
A lot if the eerie faces photgraphed in windows, may owe
more to what we interpret them to be, than what they are.
People will emotively attribute all sorts of things to child ghosts...
What about this one...?

I remember the children's film, about a balloon which was alive...
Do you? That was red, too wasn't it?

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