Monday 13 February 2017

arundel 3

The Arundel jailhouse

This is apparently haunted by a violent prisoner called James
A grey lady a man who stabbed himself to avoid being hung,
The place has ghost tours centred around it.

Tarrant Street

The Kings arms up Tarrant Street has a  young girl haunting it and 
other local shops wearing a white Victorian dress.
The street has other ghosts, but it may be the same 
ghost just haunts the town, and is making 
Herself at home everywhere,
Maybe showing herself at different periods in her life.
Why does a ghost have to show itself as 
one age specifically, if it had a long life?
I wonder if it has to be specifically
 associated with the final tragic incident
In its life, if it loved the place?

Short today, as rushed...and software updates 
also slowed me down. more time tomorrow..

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