Friday 17 February 2017

new themes

New themes, old themes

Well, there doesn't seem to be a lot of hauntings
On Southern railways,
If i do find any more, I'll add to the list.

Damp  riddled this morning. I found boxes of dvds 
wet with damp off the walls of the back room. 
I'm sitting in the cafe in town going off my head.
Hopefully the dvds aren't damaged just the cardboard 
of the boxes. I moved my wardrobe from that side 
so my clothes didn't get smothered in mold...
It's like living in a crypt, in this country, 
the way this society allows landlords and their agents do 
nothing at all for the rent that they don't earn. 
This damp pervades everything, 
including perhaps the mind...

I  recall thinking often enough that the quietest 
and most natural corners of ourenvironment
in towns are the graveyards, crypts and cemetery precincts. 
It's these places where society puts most effort into looking after you
Or not. 
 i feel morbid about my living conditions, so i'll talk about 
Some crypt(o)-paranormal things, 
How about the moving coffin story in the Barbados crypt,
which had Sir Arthur Conan Doyle going?

The Chase Vault
I have an original book source for the supernatural stories Robert  Dale Owen's 
"Footfalls on the Boundary of another World"
More to follow...


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