Saturday 30 July 2016

i'm going to have a gripe day

It's s very busy week, as i shall be setting up two local exhibitions, 
Of my art and photography, at the outset of August. 
Lots of frustrating problems, 
Which you didn't know existed suddenly start beating at you. 
Like why have printers started printing smudgy inked photigraphs?
Why isn't your intellectual property respected
When it comes to insuring your art work for exhibition?
Why is masking tape only available ib art shops now.
What are these idiots doing to standards of supply and demand
And aavailability of quality goods?

This is today's society, where many of the things, 
which were of value have ceased to be so, 
in terms of increasing plasticity and cheapness
And the removal of anything of any value at all, to be replaced by tat.

This plasticity will destroy any sense of anything of quality,
Even our old beliefs and myths and the sense if magic in the world.
Where nature is given a montary value 
In order that it can be protected.
I'm sorry, but nature needs to be protected per se, 
without dragging it down to our debased level.
I also think that we are too dependant on change. There are
And always will be things, which we shouldn't change.
The old ways, the sense or intuition of the world we're in, 
our need not to find even existence totally frustrating,
Because some politician, doctor, scientist, 
Or other educator or businessman wants us to follow this or that 
Diminishing of standards and quality
For the sake of their earnings at our expense as a species.

Let's revert to the sense of the bizarre and wonder at the world,
I can't feel any wonder for this sick society at all!

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