Saturday 9 July 2016

Rugby ghost story.

I'm going to add some other people's stories, If I may. 
This one interests me as it relates to my home town, 
Called by Dickens Mugby in his Christmas tales series Mugby Junction.

This was related to me by a friend in a cafe.

It relates to a house at the back of a square of old three story houses,
 which had a ghost upstairs.

When she was a child, say nine or ten years old,
My friend, let's call her Jenny,
Went to visit schoolfriends, who were living there.
Apparently the family were aware that there was a ghost there and,
at least the children, didn't go upstairs individually, because they had a "visitor".
She went to visit once, and had to go upstairs to the loo,
And was duly accompanied by her friends.
Looking into the elder sister's room,
Saw a form by the window.
She said to her friends "who's that?
To find that they couldn't see it.
She described it as being very tall and thin, standing
Across the edge of the sash window, facing the wall,
Obscuring part of the window, dark against the light,

(to be continued)

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