Monday 18 July 2016

the old straight track 1

I was watching "weird or what" at the weekend,
Not a program i like very much, as it does this popular and revolting facie thing
Of shoving a picture of an "expert" right up in your face 
In full on the screen. I find it an enormous invasion of space,
And some of their "experts" leave a lot to be desired,
In terms of crankiness.
But they were talking about teleportation, 
By which i guess is meant crossing boundaries
Between dimensions.

Dragging in leylines and government experiments, and shadowmen
A hotchpotch. 
I don't credit ley lines much. 
I read Watkin's Old Straight Track, in a book from the library, when i was a teen.
I wasn't a believer then. i can't see why i should be expected
To believe that landmarks would all be aligned with others, by different builders at different times, although to some extent i agree that some might have a connection 
With natural local landmarks. 
 i couldn't envisage a huge spider's web of hypothetical links, 
When there were no roads or paths in between. 
I do accept that our ancestors thought like that.
E.g. the stonehenge landscape. 
Maybe the idea is with us because it is a throwback to how
 our distant ancestors perceived their world. 
That idea i like.

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