Tuesday 26 July 2016

the evil in a place 1


I have had a difficult weekend trying to get a website to work 
in a way useful to me, rather than in a way useful to its owners.
That made me think about the nature of evil.
Supernatural evil.
Well, as a writer of ghost stories, it's a subject of interest to me, obviously.
There's a lot made of "evil" in modern fiction, film, etc,
basically in terms of cruelty and fatal violence.
That is only one kind of evil, and a very human one.
Usually supernatural forces are only tacked onto that to justify the story.
My view of evil is that it represents nothing more than a different agenda from your own.
Hence my thoughts based on my experiences over the weekend.
That does not necessarily mean that "evil" necessarily 
intends harm to you. 
It simply is, and works to its own rules,
 and causes problems only when you confront it.
 Hence the adage in Asian belief that you can't win against demons
Especially if they come from inside of yourself. 
You have to feed them somehow to reduce their effect, 
This is true of any type of evil, perhaps. 

The haunted house is often thought of as a place of evil intent.
How can a place have an intent?
The story of Hill House - Shirley Jackson - had an evil intent.
That ended in Eleanor's hurried departure, and tragic death, but
evil probably doesn't work like that.
Poltergeists are not evil in intent, 
Unlike the atrocious and unintelligent recent version of the Enfield haunting
which was recently made with Timothy Spall. I was appalled, and 
shouldn't wonder if Maurice Gross is turning in his grave.

I have a story of a plsce, which felt evil, which i'll tell tomorrow.

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