Sunday 10 July 2016

Rugby ghost story 2

My friend continued with her story, that the shape was strangely elongated, 
... like a fairground distorting mirror perhaps?
And she couldn't really say if it was male or female,
But it was possible that it had its hair collected up
Into a bun-shape on the top of its head.

She said that it was shadowy, directly opposite the bedroom door against 
the light.  Shadow man perhaps? 
They weren't talked about much back then.....
The three girls moved away from the bedroom,
and when they did it made an awful sound which they all heard..
Like a groan of despair perhaps, but it was so hideous
That they all fled downstairs as rapidly as they could.
She didn't even remember the flight down. 

She says that she put this image out of her mind for years
But the memory began filtering back.
She did ask her mother, as she recalled hearing her mother 
discussing the ghost in that house with a friend, 
but her mother denied that there had been talk of any such thing. 
She said she also asked one of her two friends, 
but she also denied that it happened.

Is she remembering correctly, or do we all experience these events,
 yet blot them out of our conscious minds? 

She says that something about staircases frightens, her even now.

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