Tuesday 2 August 2016

treasure hunters, Rennes

I hang an exhibition today.
After a day of frantic preparation, decided to sit down and blog.
Likely to thunder today. 
I was looking at the Rennes Le Chateau story yesterday 
In between. What has that to do with the supernatural?
Well, what has the whole Da Vinci Code mythos 
Got to do with it?

Treasure hunting always did link into the paranormal, 
and the occult. The basic similarity is that the magic practitioner 
and the treasure seeker, are both seeking to get power, wealth, 
and a better quality of life, where society simply doesn't afford them 
Normal opportunities.

Look back at grimoires. Especially in the Caribbean, 
Where hunting for treasure was one of the reasons for the 
Dissemination of occult material over there, at the turn of nineteenth century.
Or the Buddhist belief in finding hidden secreted sutras and sastras.

Rennes is a particularly good example because it expanded
From a search for an explanation of the priest Berenger Sauniere's wealth
(Which i tend to agree with critics probably owed more to 
Selling masses than finding buried treasure
Or having a "great secret".
Yes this "Great Secret" thing is, of course, a magical idiom.
Read Eliphas Levi.)

I am not Christian, and frankly it means nothing to me,
 if Christ did have a wife and children,
And to me it's a case of a "big deal!"
But i did like the first movie version of the Book.

Mind you that could just be because Audrey Tautou was in it!

But i would like to look at the whole story's origin, 
Not so much the known Plantard Hoax
As the Henry Lincoln stories, and De Sade's book, 
"Accursed Treasure"
And the whole wild spin that came out if that, and had to, of course,
Drag in the occult
........to be continued......

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