Wednesday 27 July 2016

evil 2

My mother claimed that when she went to Aston Manor 
In Birmingham, she had to leave there quickly, 
as she had an overwhelming sense of something evil there. 
It is hard to see what would be left as residue in a house,
 if there was something ugly, 
which had happened there, but the idea is that some sort of photographic imprint 
could be topped up with emotion.

I would expect to have some sense of Aston and Birmingham 
generally as being familiar, because of family history associated with both areas. 
If there is a huge genetic memory pool, then there's 
as likely to be negative as positive memories stored there. 
would each carry a weighting of its own, or would that depend upon 
each person, who became aware of any of those memories,
 and their predisposition, if any, towards what their senses might pick up?

We all have the nature of good and of evil within ourselves,
To a lesser or greater extent.

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