Monday 4 July 2016

why do ghosts wear clothes?

    There's a big question about whether ghosts are real or not,
That's that good old one of how can ghosts wear clothes.?
Well how can they have skins or facial features either? How can they carry any form at all, if they don't have a body any more?

The obvious answer is that their appearance is all in our minds
There believers switch off and say that sceptics have nothing to say. 
Of course that is only the tip of the iceberg. 
Ghosts are not merely imaginary, and the mind is a complex machine, and people,
Indeed, any living being, is a sensitive awareness.

So when we talk about the mind, we don't only mean the brain, 
and the range of what the mind is sensitive to, has to be extended to take on board 
everything that a living essence might be sensitive to, 
And what a living being might creatively be able to produce.

I'm a writer and artist so that's a wide range of things, in my opinion.
If I say what's in my mind, that could be an enormous amount.
A person can picture in any language available to them, spoken or visual, and
receive inputted material of a wide range as well.

In my view the big question is not HOW they appear to us, 
but WHERE they come from, in order to appear.
Are they really there? 
Do they come out of our  environment as wavelengths, or energies, 
streams of particles or different frequencies?
Are they the product of the  receiving apparatus of the mind, and it's 
outward sending apparatus?
Are they in the stones, and solid matter as photographic memories.?

Or are they like us -  essences really?
If so, then the same could extend to the Fey, to demons, 
Angels, naiads and other elementals, or other gods?



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