Wednesday 6 July 2016



I told you one of  my stories about people disappearing.
It happens from time to time in circumstances that 
Might be explainable, although I can't see how. 
I was walking along a pavement before the opening to an estate. 
A man walked out turning a corner ahead of me. Where he was walking, there was a paling fence about six foot high. Opposite a long hedge bordering a cricket club, and that stretch, about a hundred yards ended in a roundabout. 
I crossed behind him, and when I entered that area, and couldn't have been a minute behind him, there was no sign of him. 

I reached the roundabout, but could not see him anywhere. 

I had an experience at art college, photographing my paintings. 
A fellow students was holding the bigger ones. 
This was back in the days of Polaroids.  
I developed them all one by one on the spot, but 
My fellow students was not on any one of the photographs.
I never knew what happened to him.....
Could that have been trying to tell me something about his future?

Or are there people here with us who don't photograph?

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