Friday 22 July 2016

old straight track 3

 it does seem to me that the idea of parallel dimensions 
Depends on the idea that the results of different actions in one
 would have to match different actions in another,
At least in terms of outcome.
If the results of a  chain of events in one 
Were that different surely it would not take long before
The appearance of the different dimensions 
Were so unlike as to be unrecognisable.
If someone died in one, who didn't in the other,
Surely it wouldn't take many generations before their separate histories
 began to be incomparable?
If this difference was repeated for everybody, 
How long would it be before there was no cmparison at all?

On the other hand, if the outcomes had to be the same, 
to maintain the same population, so that they could remain parallel, 
How could you foster difference?
You would need to envisage the same people living and dying at exactly the same time, with the same relationships, but a distinct "culture"

In my view  parallel worlds are much more likely to be either wildly divergent 
Or basically the same.

I guess i've gone off the old straight track theme a little.
But what if it's time itself that shifts, and you find that the other
side is just like 'red shift' moved a little bit forward and backward,
And that events are basically the same?

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