Wednesday 20 July 2016

old straight track 2

I prefer the oriental view as in Feng shui
That there are natural energies, life streams,  
Rather than being tied to recognisable landmarks.
Energies, which flow through the landscape, 
Perhaps in association with water.
I think it's typical of our materialistic viewpoint that we have to look for
A physical substance to a spiritual fact,

If you look at why roads are sited where they are or
Why buildings are placed in the landscape, its more for fastest access, or to keep 
Sightlines open.
A military road would want to be as direct as possible, with the clearest view around 
To protect from attack. A landowner would want clear vistas. 
A church would be built to be visible from a wide area, as a landmark.
It might be built on a pagan site, but it would have been selected 
For the same reason

Tieing lines of energy in with this is mixing two entirely different things.

If there are ways across, between dimensions, 
Would you really expect them to be normal ones?
I think that they may symbolically select doorways,
Which would be because doorways function in that way normally
Maybe individual roads could as they would symbolise a route between, 
But if they all did that, moving between dimensions would be commonplace

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