Monday 20 March 2017

witch tales

Helen Duncan's story isn't really a story of a ghost, or a witch. 
SHe hss the dubious honour i believe of being the last
 person to be sentenced for witchcraft connected crimes
 (crimes?) in this country.

I Watched a rather peculiar old film last night on Showcase
probably a poor recording, as the film quality is often dire on this channel,
which i came across by chance, about a woman, who had been
 possessed by the spirit of a 'hag' called "She Beast."(1966)
The film quality was appalling.
Still it was an interesting story, and the image
 of the hag which overwhelms her appearance,
as the being goes on a rampage to revenge herself
 on the descendants of the villagers, who drowned her, 
is  interesting .What it shows of course is the
 attitude to the witch, that she must look like the
 wicked witch of the west.
I Had not seen this film before, as it doesn't seem to get an airing
on tv a lot. I actually like some of these kitchy hammer types of movies.
The story isn't subservient to as much gore as possible

Damn it though, doesn't the witch get a bad press!


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