Wednesday 29 March 2017

night terrors

NIght terrors

I  remember having woken up one night to hearing 
the tap tap tap of a wooden leg outside of the airing
 cupboard on the other side of my bedroom door.
I suppose that it must have been a fixture of the machinery
  of the boiler in there, but that's looking back 
with the hindsight of adulthood.
In fact, i never saw "pegleg" but i was afraid one night
 i might run into him going to the bathroom.

I Recently discovered that Buddha, otherwise known
 as Constantine or Neo, had a similar experience:
Keanu Reeves, that is......
He says that ' I was living in New Jersey, when i saw 
and felt this ghost. I remember just staring at this suit
 which had no body or legs in it as it came into the
 room before disappearing. It was a doubke-breasted suit in white,
 and i looked at my nanny, who was just as shocked as me.
 I just couldn't get back to sleep afterwards,
 and i still see the figure in my dreams and nightmares."

...........Theme tune for the Twilight Zone........

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