Monday 6 March 2017

Solomon 2

The murder

The perpetrator, Lawrence, appears to have been the last man
to be hung in Horsham. That could need verifying.
He's also a record-breaker in being the only man
 to have killed a chief of police whilst in custody.

The ghost

So what about the ghost? It's been built up a lot, 
Perhaps partly by the ghost tour, but undoubtedly
by publicity associated with the police museum at Brighton 
Town Hall. What a selling point!
But actual cases of witness sightings?
You do find information about "poltergeist activity..."
for which read objects moving of their own accord.
The story of the bedclothes moving on the mannequin on the bed
obviously post date its conversion into a museum.
Solomon is reputed to be seen as the figure of a man wearing 
a top hat. I would assume that he might have not died
had he been wearing the top hat at the time?
In Paranormal Sussex, it says that humanoid shadows 
have also been seen, and a team investigating 
heard a girl's voice saying "hello" as an EVP.
However, clearly again the evidence post dates
Its opening as a museum.
But undoubtedly things were seen or heard before then...
I'm still looking, and if i find a tale to relate, i'll post it here.....

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