Tuesday 7 March 2017



I  have had  some trouble verifying Brighton as the most haunted city.
The problem is that i have no mention of it to speak of in the majority 
of my collection of ghost gazetteers. 
I'll carry on looking through my library and the internet, and return to it
but I do wonder how much is hyped by the ghost tour people...
What i do remember is that the Grand was haunted, up the seafront...

For fairly minimal information and a series of photos of sites try this....

And a number of these are quite familiar to me. I believe that
a relative of mine died at the Grand. I was trying to remember which 
I'll get back on that.

One that catches my attention is the Dyke Tavern, on Dyke Road.
which recently seems to have gone out of business
and now hosts an antique shop.....
probably one of the oddest albeit weirdly appropriate uses for a pub.
They have a woman in grey, it says,
standing beside a fireplace in the bar. 
I wonder what she makes of it all?
There are local attempts to get the pub open again. 
I wonder if she woukd add her signature to the petition. 
That would make the petitionvery historic!

The Royal Albion Hotel has more information, 
and has a range of paranormal activity,
 like lifts and doors  moving by themselves, 
temperature dropping 
and the ghost of Sir Henry Preston, a previous owner,
 and philanthropist,  who owned it  in 1913.

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