Friday 3 March 2017

Hangketon hangman

Hangleton hangman

I had a bad day yesterday... what are they called... duvet days?
So as we're under the duvet,maybe now's the time to hide underneath
and cower from what's entered the room.
I thought i might look at Brighton, in and around...

One that sounds interesting is the hangman of Hangleton....
Apparently the presence of savage death lingers here,
Where there used to be a gallows, and it's said to be one of the few places, 
where you can find a wild raven....
The spirit of the hangman has been seen..
roaming a stretch of the old Shoreham Road.
He is seen through windiws normally
tall, burly, wearing ragged clothes...
With black cloth tied around his head...
Noises are heard outside the window to attract 
attention to him, but he is only seen whilst unaware of being seen.
When the witness catches his gaze, then he vanishes.
There is even a name attributed to the ghost.
Thomas Kypper, a brutal individual who had even been accused of two
murders in his own right....He was finally accused of battering his 
neighbour, a blacksmith, to death, 
 and tried and found guilty and died on his own gibbet.

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