Monday 27 March 2017



You know, the De Le Warr pavilion, where Poirot cornered the 
kIller in Suchet's version of the ABC murders...
There's a spooky story here...

A student visited Bexhill Museum and tells a story
of being approached by a tour guide, who gave her 
an informative and thorough tour with lots of local 
information... when it was over, she shook his hand
 and thanked him very much, but when she approached
 the door, she met an official,who told her that
 he was the only one working that afternoon.

Whoever he was they ought to have employed him.

Looking up Bexhill i also came across this... the ghost of a suicide.
 I could, i think, only direct you to this web  page,
A Forum, where the story unfolds... i like that.


Apparently a man hung himself in a garden at Watermill Lane, 
in the 1920sand consequently haunts there

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