Friday 17 March 2017

portsmouth 3

Wymering manor (continued)...

The story goes that a newly married couple came 
to the manor. This cycle of the " star crossed lover" theme, of course, 
crops up again and again in the folklore of ghosts,
and this one is as usual, tragic. However,
the outcome in this case was a "better" one, maybe...
The husband was called away, and an individual 
called Sir Roderick, of Portchester, decided to call over and 
seduce the young bride. This story has a theme
with more moral overtones, as the husband returned
home unexpectedly, and caught Sir Roderick 
chasing him out into the manor grounds, and
killed him as he was attempting to mount his horse.

The story goes that if a newly married couple come to the house,
they will hear Sir Roderick's horse galloping down the lane.
Leonard Metcalfe, an occupant of the house,nwho died in 1958,
claimed that he and his new wife, just after WW2, 
were woken at 2 a.m. by the ghostly sound 
of a horse clattering away down the lane outside....
It might be interesting to see if there is an historical record,
which matches up with the story...
The Hampshire ghost club claim 18 ghosts
haunt Wymering, including a Scottie Terrier, a black cat,
A brother of Jane Austen, a monk as well as the nuns, 
disembodied voices, poltergeist activity, a piano playing,
the sound of children playing, a baby crying, and drops 
in temperature...

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