Saturday 11 March 2017

folklore and ghosts

I think that it's very important, 
as there is a collapse of the culture of this country,
where colloquial wisdom has subsided.
Where the urban life has taken over,
There are now fewer of the countryside orientated festivals, 
and the annual celebrations have passed away,
leaving only a scattered few....
The pagan fire ceremonies persist in Sussex
with a flavour of the past, like the Lewes and Littlehampton
bonfire and torch lit processions, 
but generally, we have a heavily commercialised
Christmas, Halloween and New Year, 
which are only the vestigial form of the old ceremonies.
It was interesting reading through a book of old customs 
to see how many had lapsed away.
Did you know that on March 1st,
People went down from Arundel to the bridge over the Arun,
and shook themselves, because if they did that, 
they woukd be free of fleas all year!?
How many of you say 'white rabbit' at the beginning of each month,
as soon as you wake up.?
Where is the possibility of commercialising Michaelmas?

Charles Fort wrote down his discoveries of the strange
from all the newspapers that he could find.
Today we have youtube and facebook.
And the urban myth.
Like  we might believe that the government is in collusion
with the Greys to implant nanotechnology in abductees,
And cattle mutilations.
Not quite the same as children making sculptures out of oyster shells
to show the beginning of the oyster harvest is it?.

 We are at threat of losing the old knowledge and the sense 
of nature to the relentless march of dryasdust science,
and thhe creative to urban tawdriness.

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