Saturday 18 March 2017

Helen Duncan

THe Duncan story

YOu know of course about Helen Duncan. 
Her story took place in Portsmouth.
I Recall a tv drama re enacting the preposterous court case,
which landed her in jail.
IF you like old movies, then the medium,
who runs a little transport cafe on the way to Scotland
in the Kenneth More version of the 39 Steps
was based on her case.

It all began in 1939, with the outbreak of war, when 
Helen Duncan was holding seances in Edinburgh. 
In her audience that night was Brigadier Firebrace
Head of Scottish military intelligence.
It was then that she announced that the 
HMS Hood had been lost with all hands.

On one occasion a little later in Portsmouth,
she claimed to make contact with one of the dead crew 
of the HMS Barnham, which had been torpedoed and sunk,
by the name of Sid.
At the time the fact of the sinking was only known
 to a handful of military intelligence officers.
It transpired that there was a man called Sid on the crew
... well, was that a coincidence or what?
(Or put it another way, how common was the name Sid at that time?)

Sadly for her the government was in the throes of extreme 
paranoia, and thought that she might be a 6th columnist.
 It does seem unlikely in retrospect, knowing what we know now
 about the double dealing of the Nazi espionage machine, 
which is purported to be in the hands of those,
 who were not the avid supporters of Hitler
 that they claimed to be. That's by the way, however,
 as Helen Duncan found herself under suspicion
 because of her claims. Perhaps more likely they felt 
that she might inadvertently give away state secrets.
 She was tried under the 1735 witchcraft act for
Making contact with spirits.
.... more to come.......

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