Thursday 5 January 2017

Happy New Year?

I actually feel a trifle better today. 
It's been an awful Christmas with toothache following three
extractions, and a latent fluey bug which exploded over New Year
with one final attempt to turn me into a zombie.
I think that it succeeded.
The carnival of souls

 so, what's for the New Year for any of us, except being 
drowned in the internet, and being ressurected...
Nothing else?
They keep showing this movie...Carnival of Souls on tv.
How many of you have wandered the streets,
 and felt that nobody either sees and hears you, 
and that there is no sound? 
That you are no longer a part of this world?
That there's no place in life left for you........
That something  or someone else is calling you from The Other Side...
Who would that be? What place would that be?

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