Wednesday 11 January 2017


Cleveden pier

This one is interesting so, i think, i'll simply let you see for yoursekves
 by giving the web address: 


 This could be a common situation, where sitings are prompted to
Increase by virtue of being reported, and other witnesses
enhancing their own experiences, or sharing in the milieu.
It's a case of shadows seen out of the corner of the eye.
Frankly, though, the testimony of someone who says that they see
something as against that of someone, who never has, 
do have to be weighed against who is sensitive,
and who is not, and the tendency of the human eye 
to be deceived. We are hot wired to see human forms, 
whether they are there or not. Survival is the reason
for this talent, or capacity, because if there really is
something there, we need time to react, and find safety.
All of which implies that there might after all be something there
 to be seen, in the first place.

Might our ancestors have had to be on the look out for
hostile spiritual entities as well as human enemies?

I'll try to keep entering blogs. Bad day yesterday, 
Really headachy and not well. The flu bug still
has hold, but today seems confined to making me feel sniffly
and giddy. I wish that spiritual enemy would release its hold on me,

Tomorrow more piers with any luck.....

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