Tuesday 3 January 2017

witch trials 2

Witch trials 2

Here is a quote from the Malleus Maleficarium.(1486 or thereabouts)
"The fact that certain witches, against the instinct of human nature
.....are in the habit of devouring and eating human children. And concerning
this, the Inquisitor of Como has told us the following:that he was
 summoned by the inhabitants of the county of Barby...because
 a certain man had missed his child from its cradle,
and finding a congress of women in the night -time, swore
that he saw them kill his child and drink its blood and devour it......
We must add that in all these matters witch midwives cause yet greater 
injuries, as penitent witches have often told us.....
No one does more harm to the Catholic faith than midwives. 
For, when they do not kill children, then, as if for some other purpose, 
they take them out of the room and,
 raising them up in the air, offer them to devils."

Incredible isn't it.? Well, where women bleed men keep
their distance, and don't wish to be involved, and 
shy away from birthing, which means that they have no idea 
what was really happening.
It's unbelievable that any sane man shared these views.
Probably they were lifted in the air by their heels themselves,
and then the devils owned them!

 of course there were more enlightened men around, with 
intelligent medical knowledge, but presumably 
the writer of the 'Witches Hammer' didn't ask them
For their opinion.

I'll tell you a tale of a witch midwife from this book tomorrow.

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