Thursday 26 January 2017

ghosts of Pevensey

Ghosts of Pevensey

My being besotted with the pagan stretch of coast aside,
what hauntings are there in Pevensey?

There is supposed to be a white
 ( sometimes grey, but misty, so maybe that ambiguity is understandable)
 lady seen on the castle walls.
There are a number of contenders to who she might be, 
Lady Joan Pelham, who around 1399 was besieged
 in the castle by Yorkist forces, 
or Queen Joan of Navarre, who married Henry IV in 1401,
But when he died intrigue began, and she was imprisoned,
charged with being a witch. She ended up in Pevensey 
under the charge of Sir John Pelham, constable of Pevensey castle, 
and our other candidate's husband. She was released by Henry V, 
as he did repent treating her in this way, but you imagine 
that her period there would entitle her 
to be a candidate for the ghost

The Mint House, a building opposite the East Gate of the castle,
is also said to be haunted, by another? female ghost.
This one is reported to be dressed in Elizabethan garb, 
seen inside, but also pressing her face agajnst the window.

Attribution of grey, green, blue or white misty ladies has to be
entirely speculative, doesn't it? But nothing particularly ancient  there.
Other reports include a Roman centurion... after all 
It was not only William the Conqueror who landed here, so did the Romans...
A monk and a drummer boy.

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