Wednesday 25 January 2017



I'm going to tell you a psychotic little personal story.
It is an event from my childhood.
This happened on a holiday in Hastings.
It kind of escalated into an episode for me,
which resulted in my bizarre mind, i guess,
And my fascination with the occult.

It was a bad time to take me on a holiday in the first place.
I had had an operation on my sinuses the week prior 
to the trip out. I always had a problem with them, 
and so i was put to sleep in order to perform the surgery.
I was brought home the following morning, groggy,
and opening a drawer to get some cutlery i took
the whole drawer out in one pull, scattering its contents
All over the floor. The morning after we caught a coach early.

The holiday was marked by two incidents. The first,
I blacked out in the tunnels beneath Hastings Castle.
(To be precise my eyesight went green)
The other was in Pevensey. My father liked castles...
Well, when we tried to leave, we couldn't find the bus stop for
the return home. We discovered that  buses 
were few and far between. I had the distinct feeling
that history was trying to retain me!
That something about this whole landscape 
was a powerful force aimed at holding me fast in its clutches.
Silly childish belief, or life long obsession?
I call it the Pevensey Web. 
Nothing supernatural here, unless it be within myself.
History for the English leapt forward in this place, as William the Conqueror
landed on the beaches here.
Maybe i was reincarnated from someone, who died at
The Battle of Hastings.


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