Saturday 21 January 2017



I'm a bit late getting off the ground today.
A cold stsrt. It's freezing... anyway, 
I wanted to continue with hill forts.
On the way inland towards the Downs.


I've  been to Cissbury, although not very recently.
Cissbury appears to have a not very archaic ghost.
Like with Highdown it seems more recent.
The place really does have an eerie feel to it. 

An old friend of Sussex folk is the highwayman.
It's claimed that the highwayman attacked long distance coaches
on the boundary of Findon.
He was caught, tried and executed for his crimes.
It's claimed that as he died, he said he would not
rest easily in his grave, and apparently he doesn't.
His ghost used to be seen on horseback, 
and drivers would pass over a body in the road.
Even the crack of bones passing over it!
However like me he doesn't like modern times, 
and hasn't been seen for many years.
Nobody knows where his mortal remains are buried...

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