Monday 23 January 2017



This is a different story. The old ways seem to survive
in legendary places after all. This is a site replete with stories of ghosts, witches
and the "Good People" ( what you would no doubt
call the fairies, but as elemental forces, maybe,
that doesn't do them full justice.)
There is even a story that the devil, himself, 
might appear on Midsummer's Eve or any moonlit night,
should you perform certain acts, like running around the ring seven times.
I would query if we really mean the horned beast here, and not just the 
Christian Satan. I will keep the two separate, as i believe
them to be two separate belief systems.
Sounds of children crying, or the chanting of monks, have been heard
If you remember in a early blog i said i had heard this
at Whitby Abbey, and was far from sure that it could not be 
put down to music being played somewhere. 
After all, i have heard all kinds of ringtones on mobile phones.
It is a strange place, however, and you can feel it. 
Maybe it is so alive with power, that it can 
respond to  what's in your mind, and make you hear
 what you want to hear.
If witches have been summoning there for centuries,
who knows what power might be let loose in this ancient place?

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