Tuesday 3 January 2017


I am quite ill at the  moment,
With a severe head cold or flu, 
So can't guarantee a blog at all.
Well who knows... why is it doctors have returned
to the dark ages, and neither know what illnesses are
nor intend to treat us?... this society is retreating 
into statements like "let them die and decrease the 
surplus polpulation," just like the mercenary money lender,
Scrooge, or hanging judges.

The Malleus describes an event in Zabern, where a woman 
attempted to persuade a pregnant lady to take her as a
midwife, and she agreed, but as she neared birthing,
knowing this woman's bad reputation, she brought in
a different midwife.
The woman lay a curse on her in front of witnesses.
She said, "because she has offended me, I am going to
put something into her entrails." She gave her six months grace,
and then told her that she would suffer terrible pains.
This duly happened, and by praying and fasting she finally stopped
the agony. It was said brambles and other things fell from her body.
The midwife was brought to trial, and of course confessed
that a lot of harm was caused by midwives.
No doubt after considerable punishment herself.

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