Saturday 27 August 2016

Amherst 2

Amherst continued

There's an idea that poltergeist phenomenon are the result
of childhood abuse. Well, it surfaced in the recent rendering 
of the Bell Witch story, 
But most of these films badly corrupt the content of the original story
to make them more scary and exciting, 
which usually means more extreme and gory.
I would go as far as to say such films have little or no value.
But there is a certain reality to the idea of adolescent disturbance 
often or even usually being the source of poltergeist outbreaks. 
I have worked with clients suffering from personality disorder, for instance,
Who self harm, and there is a certain similarity to the actions
of poltergeists in this but it is not always true that a woman who self harms 
has been abused, in childhood. 

Amherst is interesting because the suggestion that this happened is
verified in the fact can be that the participants were real people
Their names, the Teeds, appear in the relevant Canadian census for Amherst.

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