Tuesday 23 August 2016


I don't recall asking here, but does anyone know where 
In English publications the story of the vision 
Or Van Gudden's dream can be found?
He allegedly foresaw his and King Ludwig of Bavaria's death 
At the side of the lake, nearby which Ludwig was being treated
For his illness.He had been displaced by his brother
For his living in a fantasy  world, and disregarding the political 
Situation of the day, for his own pleasures.

Quite apart from the story that the king was murdered,
Which has been controversial, and that his death was  accidental?
There was this interesting story thst his doctor dreamed of the event
The night before.
I read this, presumably in a book of ghost tales, 
Maybe even in one that i have, in my collection, but
I can't find any details of it.
A lot of early collections lack indexes...
The source appears to be
P141 of the Annales des Sciences Psychiques 1892,
It could be in one of Flammarion's books?

It's an interesting tale of a premonition. 
I recall reading it but don't have the details clear.
I think it was told as a story?

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